How to Get into TechStars: A Comprehensive Guide

Source: Techstars

TechStars is one of the world’s leading startup accelerators, having nurtured firms such as SendGrid, DigitalOcean and Sphero. 

Getting into TechStars can provide your startup a huge boost, as it provides cash, mentorship, networking opportunities, and a strong alumni community. 

If you want to join TechStars, here’s a detailed guide to assist you understand the application process and increase your chances of acceptance.

1. What TechStars Looks for in Applicants

Before starting the application process, it’s important to understand what TechStars looks for in a startup. They generally prefer:

  • Strong Founding Teams: TechStars seeks teams with complementary abilities, a thorough understanding of their industry, and a track record of successful execution.
  • Innovative Ideas: TechStars is particularly interested in startups that have novel, scalable solutions to real-world issues.
  • Market Potential: They prefer firms that target huge or fast rising markets.
  • Traction:Having some kind of validation, such as user growth, revenue, or a fully functional product, might help your application.
  • Adaptability and Determination: Founders who are open to feedback, adaptable, and persistent in the face of challenges are more likely to succeed.

2. Creating an Application That Stands Out

The TechStars application is your first opportunity to make a strong impression. Here’s how to approach it:

a. Filling Out the Application

The form is detailed and requires thoughtful responses. Key sections include:

  • Team Composition: Highlight the backgrounds, skills, and experiences of each founder. Explain how you met and why you work well together.
  • Product/Service: Clearly describe your product or service, the problem it solves, and why it matters. Use straightforward language to ensure clarity.
  • Market Insights: Detail your target market, the size of the opportunity, and any relevant trends or dynamics.
  • Traction: Provide concrete metrics such as user numbers, revenue, growth rates, or other relevant data.
  • Long-Term Goals: Outline your long-term vision for the company and your plans for achieving it.

b. The Video

As part of the application, you will need to submit a short video. This video should:

  • Introduce the founders: Have each founder briefly introduce themselves and their role in the startup.
  • Describe the problem and solution: Clearly articulate the problem you’re solving and how your solution works.
  • Demonstrate passion: Show your enthusiasm and commitment to your startup. Authenticity is key.

Keep the video professional yet personable. Authenticity and passion can make a strong impression.

3. Preparing for the TechStars Interview

If your application stands out, you may be invited for an interview with TechStars. This is a critical step in the selection process. Here’s how to prepare:

a. Familiarize Yourself with Your Application

Review every detail of your application and be prepared to discuss any aspect of it. The interviewers will ask in-depth questions to assess your understanding and commitment.

b. Prepare for Common Questions

While each interview is unique, some common questions include:

  • Why did you choose this idea?
  • How do you know people want this?
  • What makes your team the right one to solve this problem?
  • What are your growth plans?
  • How will you make money?

Practice answering these questions concisely and confidently.

c. Prioritize Honesty and Clarity

TechStars values honesty and transparency. If you don’t know the answer to a question, accept it rather than try to fake your way through. Showing a willingness to learn and adjust is more impressive than pretending to know all the answers.

4. Strategies to Strengthen Your Application

Beyond your application and interview, there are a few additional strategies that can help you stand out:

a. Connect with TechStars Alumni

TechStars alumni can provide helpful insights and suggestions about the application process. 

Networking with alumni may potentially result in a potential endorsement for your startup. Attend events, participate in online forums, and network with alumni in similar sectors.

b. Demonstrate Continuous Progress

TechStars loves to see momentum. If you can demonstrate significant progress between your application submission and the interview, it shows that you’re constantly moving forward. 

This could be in the form of new customers, product developments, or partnerships.

c. Leverage Social Proof

If you have notable advisors, investors, or partnerships, make sure to highlight these. Social proof can lend credibility to your startup and make it more attractive to TechStars.

5. What to Expect If You Get In

If you’re accepted into TechStars, congratulations! Here’s what you can expect:

a. The Program

TechStars’ core program is a three-month intensive program designed to accelerate your startup’s growth. During the program, you’ll receive:

  • Funding: TechStars provides an initial investment (typically around $120,000).
  • Mentorship: You’ll have access to a network of experienced mentors who can offer guidance and support.
  • Resources: TechStars offers a wealth of resources, including office space, software tools, and more.
Source: Techstars

b.  Presenting at Demo Day

The curriculum concludes in Demo Day, when you’ll showcase your idea to an audience of investors. This is a key opportunity to secure further funds and make important connections.

Techstars DemoDay 19
Source: Startland News

c. Post-TechStars Support

Even after the program has ended, you will still have access to TechStars’ broad network and resources. Many TechStars startups maintain contact with their batchmates and rely on the alumni network for continued support.


Getting into TechStars is a difficult yet rewarding process. Understanding what TechStars looks for, creating a standout application, thoroughly preparing for the interview, and making a positive impression will significantly increase your chances of acceptance. Remember that TechStars is seeking for excellent founders who are dedicated, resilient, and capable of creating impactful startups. Good luck!

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